Chris Toolan
Outer Banks Real Estate Broker
As a REALTOR®, I work for you with a higher standard. My real estate experiences are within the Northern Outer Banks communities and beyond. I have personal and professional experience with residential and commercial, land sales, development projects, renovations and re-sales throughout the 16 county region. I understand the importance of your investment and the many details that need to be addressed in order to make a transaction successful. Each and every property is unique. With my experiences in finding inexpensive "getaways" to working some of the largest transactions in the area, I understand each and every investment has hidden value and potential pitfalls. Each and every investor has different needs, wants and investment goals. You have skills and knowledge that can complement me, the agent, and I will apply the team effort to our success. As your Buyer's Agent, I see it as my responsibility to locate, investigate, and negotiate the best possible investment opportunities, and/or provide you with trusted associates to keep your needs as the top priority. I view each and every transaction as an intense educational experience, and depend on trust and best practices to accomplish extraordinary results.
"Those who trust us, educate us" - George Eliot
"Working as a team, we can educate each other". -Chris Toolan
